Brands with that “stand-apart appeal” don’t just happen. They’re built, one experience at a time. And every touchpoint you have with your customer is an opportunity to make an impression and create an experience. One essential way to make an impression is through your digital experience—a.k.a. your website. And, with the belief that every customer touchpoint is an opportunity to make an impression, IMAGEHAUS is entering into the digital experience world. The web is an environment of expression, choice, and endless possibilities.

Customers are quick to click, often faster than they think. Based on that virtual experience, they form an impression of your brand. As in any relationship, the first impression of your online brand gives customers a perception of what your company and products will be like. Will they be smart, helpful—or frustrating? Does this first impression reinforce the single thought that defines your brand? Simply, clearly and personally? What value does your point of differentiation bring to your customer? Your answers to these questions are key in establishing your brand and carrying out a memorable, positive brand experience.

With the sea of websites out there today, your site now has to do and be more. A well-branded site begs your customer to engage in conversation. It listens, learns, and then leads by addressing their needs—first. It asks the right questions and gives the best answers. Let’s look at it this way. The online experience is like that first dance back in high school—communication between two people, defined by action. If you don’t know how to lead your customer, they will move on to the next dance partner. And if you trip and step on their feet, the dance becomes rather painful. They get frustrated and leave. However, if you lead with confidence, purpose, and personality, your customer will move in step with you and believe in you. And, believing leads to trust—the most essential dance step in building a strong brand.

We help our clients’ customers gain that belief and trust with solid answers to these 4 key questions:

Differentiation – What is the advantage of your brand over the competition?

Relevance – How do you add value to the customer’s experience?

Credibility – What is the single thought that defines your brand?

Compliance – How do you ensure brand consistency in look and feel, personality, voice, and tone?

Often, people come to us and think they need a logo, a tagline, or the “look and feel” of a website. A brand is so much more than just components. Simply stated, a brand is the perception of your company based on the expectation of value. Online, this expectation is formed more intimately through individual experiences. To be effective, your branding needs to make a strong first impression and provide a memorable, pleasant experience. An experience that will compel them to act now and far into the digital future.